
I am PhD student in theoretical physics at the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe, a joint project of Universität Hamburg and DESY. I work under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Timo Weigand on topics pertaining to string phenomenology. My research interests are focused on learning about the general properties a consistent theory of quantum gravity must have through the study of string theory, our best understood example of a theory of this kind. Furthermore, I believe that this systematic study of quantum gravity theories will guide us to a deeper understanding of string theory itself.

My master thesis project was carried out under the supervision of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ralph Blumenhagen at the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) in Munich. The focus of the project was on computing periods near conifold singularities in complex structure moduli space and later exploiting these results to construct vacua with a small superpotential as required by KKLT. More information can be found in the resulting paper.

As an undergraduate I had the chance to take part in the DESY Summer Student Programme, where I worked under the supervison of Dr. Anatoli Fedynitch writing code to compute the energy loss of muons in dense media, to be later used in reconstructions of cascade showers in the atmosphere in the MCEq package.



I come from Asturias, a small region situated in the northwest of Spain. Below you can find a collection of photographs that give you a taste of what Asturias is like. I hope that you like it and that you can visit some day!