Small Flux Superpotentials for Type IIB Flux Vacua Close to a Conifold

with Ralph Blumenhagen, Max Brinkmann and Lorenz Schlechter


We generalize the recently proposed mechanism by Demirtas, Kim, McAllister and Moritz arXiv:1912.10047 for the explicit construction of type IIB flux vacua with \(|W_0|\ll 1\) to the region close to the conifold locus in the complex structure moduli space. For that purpose tools are developed to determine the periods and the resulting prepotential close to such a codimension one locus with all the remaining moduli still in the large complex structure regime. As a proof of principle we present a working example for the Calabi-Yau manifold \(\mathbb{P}_{1,1,2,8,12}[24]\).

BibTex Citation

    author = "\'Alvarez-Garc\'\i{}a, Rafael and Blumenhagen, Ralph and Brinkmann, Max and Schlechter, Lorenz",
    title = "{Small Flux Superpotentials for Type IIB Flux Vacua Close to a Conifold}",
    eprint = "2009.03325",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "hep-th",
    reportNumber = "MPP-2020-165",
    doi = "10.1002/prop.202000088",
    journal = "Fortsch. Phys.",
    volume = "68",
    pages = "2000088",
    year = "2020"