Swampland Conjectures for an Almost Topological Gravity Theory

with Ralph Blumenhagen, Christian Kneißl, Andriana Makridou and Lorenz Schlechter


We analyze AdS and dS swampland conjectures in a three-dimensional higher spin theory with self-interacting matter, which contains conformal gravity and is almost topological. A theory of a similar type was proposed as the effective theory in the high energy phase of non-critical M-theory in 3D. With some details differing from the usual string theory story, it is found that the resulting effective theory, namely topologically massive gravity, fits well into the web of the proposed swampland conjectures. Supporting a recent proposal, in particular we find that this 3D theory gives rise to a quantum break time that scales like \(t_Q\sim H^{-1}\).

BibTex Citation

    author = "\'Alvarez-Garc\'\i{}a, Rafael and Blumenhagen, Ralph and Kneissl, Christian and Makridou, Andriana and Schlechter, Lorenz",
    title = "{Swampland conjectures for an almost topological gravity theory}",
    eprint = "2107.07546",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "hep-th",
    reportNumber = "MPP-2021-110",
    doi = "10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136861",
    journal = "Phys. Lett. B",
    volume = "825",
    pages = "136861",
    year = "2022"